How-to articles on various specific problems I've solved.
- 🪣🚧 Under Construction
How to deploy s3 static website hosted with cloudfront cdn
10/10/2024 | AWS S3 | AWS Cloudfront CDN
If you want to easily generate custom AWS Cloudwatch metrics in AWS Lambda functions without having to do a bunch of custom code or batching.
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How to code a recipe in HTML and on Webflow
10/4/2024 | HTML | Webflow | JSON
How to use the Recipe schema in plain html or on Webflow to have the correct metadata for your recipe - so it can be imported to recipe apps, etc.
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How to easily post custom metrics to Cloudwatch from a Lambda
9/20/2024 | AWS Lambda | AWS Cloudwatch | aws-embedded-metrics-node
If you want to easily generate custom AWS Cloudwatch metrics in AWS Lambda functions without having to do a bunch of custom code or batching.
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Pass in CSS Variables through a <style> tag
9/20/2024 | CSS
Be able to pass in CSS variable values through a inline style tag on an element. Useful for Squarespace code blocks.
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How to escape code in Markdown in Eleventy (11ty)
9/19/2024 | Eleventy (11ty) | Liquid | Markdown
Be able to show Liquid code in Markdown in Eleventy without it compiling
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How to handle dates in Eleventy (11ty)
9/19/2024 | Eleventy (11ty) | Nunjucks | YAML
Use the last modified date of post and format it nicely in Eleventy.
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How to add your own custom color palette to Chart JS
9/19/2024 | Typescript | Chart JS | react-chartjs-2 | React
Be able to have a longer list of available colors that ChartJS can automatically loop through.